
You don’t need to be dairy intolerant to enjoy vegetable milks, they,re a delightful change to cow’s milk and lighter too.
Almond milk is one of my favourites and the one I use the most. For breakfast on cereals, rolled oats or muesli, in cakes, creamy sauces and you can also use a dash in your coffee or tea.
When I found out that I was wheat intolerant and I was also advised to cut out dairy products from my diet because of my Crohn’s disease, boy oh boy did it hit hard on the family budget!
Have you ever noticed that all the stuff that’s bad for you is cheaper than the good stuff!
I found myself spending quite a bit on wheat free products, some were good, others were full of sugars to compensate and trying to find wheat, dairy and refined sugar free foods all in one were difficult and very expensive. Not to mention dairy free products!
At times I found myself eating the same simple meals just to avoid spending too much on the grocery bill. Quite frankly, I thought it was, and still is, appalling how manufacturers take advantage of the fact that anything that is gluten free, wheat free, dairy free, etc., costs 3 to 4 times more than the traditional version. I mean, most of us don’t choose to be allergic or intolerant of certain foods, do we!!
Some of us may be one income families, low income earners or even choosing to work part-time to be there when the kids come home from school. In these situations, having a family member that is intolerant or allergic to some foods, especially gluten, wheat and dairy, or suffering from an intestinal problem and need to change their diet, puts a big strain on the family budget.
So how can we save some money?
Simply put – start making foods and cakes, biscuits, and even ice-cream yourself. Yes, you heard me correctly. Now you’re probably thinking what the heck is she talking about, I don’t have time to do that, nor do I know how to …..
Yeah, well sometimes we need to pull up our sleeves for the greater good!
I was and still am in the same boat. Working full-time and still having to take care of the family and household. I’m not gonna lie, at times it’s really difficult juggling everything but that’s where organizing and planning comes into play and of course finding some tried and true recipes that you can use to cook not only for the food intolerant family member but for everyone to find it delicious.
Thankfully I always enjoyed experimenting in the kitchen, so after I got sick and tired of over-spending on groceries, as well as, not always finding what I needed or wanted to eat, I decided to venture out and start making my traditional favourite recipes that were now wheat and dairy free.
This way, I not only started cutting down on some of the expenses but the food was healthier because I knew what was going into each recipe.
Plus you’d be surprised once you start making stuff on your own, you realize it’s not that difficult at all and doesn’t take much time to prepare either!
Believe me, I have a cake recipe that’s prepared in a food processor, so it’s literally whipped up in 5 minutes. So it takes longer to bake than to make!
It’s just your mind set and getting started, walking into the unknown that seems daunting but it’s not and I’ll show you how.
I mean, that’s what my blog’s all about and the reason why I started it. I want to help people and show them that life is great, it’s a gift and that even if you have a food intolerance, or suffer from Crohn’s like me, or you simply need to change your diet and cut out some food elements from your daily meal plan to improve your health it’s not the end of the world. You can still make your cake and eat it too! You just need to change the ingredients and use the ones you CAN EAT avoiding the ones you can’t.

So today I wanted to show you how easy and quick it is to make Almond milk or any other nut/cereal milk. Best of all you’ll also save some money.
.S. Don’t throw the pulp away, use it to make Almond Hummus, or biscuits and cakes.
Almond Milk in 3 easy steps: 1. Soak, 2. Blend & Filter, 3. Bottle & Refrigerate. You don't need to be dairy intolerant to enjoy vegetable milks. Place the almonds in a bowl or saucepan, cover them with cold water and allow to stand over-night. If you forget to do this, alternatively you can let them stand for at least 3 hours covered with warm water. When they're ready, drain and place the almonds in a food processor together with 4 cups of fresh water. If you want to sweeten the milk add the maple syrup. Process on high speed until the almonds have disintegrated completely. Filter the milk through a strainer covered with a piece of cheese cloth/fine cotton cloth and squeeze all the liquid from pulp. Pour the milk into a jar or bottle and close lid tightly. Store in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. Don’t worry if it separates in the jar, just give it a good shake before using it. P.S. Don’t throw the pulp away, use it to make Almond Hummus, or biscuits and cakes.HOW TO MAKE ALMOND MILK