Cod Paté – Baccalà Mantecato in Italian is a creamy appetiser that is made especially during the festive seasons in Italy. This patè has been, and still is one of our family’s truly loved recipes and a traditional plate at Christmas and Easter. It’s distinct flavour is enjoyed by everyone both young and old. I remember both my daughter and nephew at the tender ages of 4 and 5 spreading the Baccalà onto some crusty bread or crackers.

I think you’ll be amazed at how salted cod could ever taste so good.
You can serve Cod Paté – Baccalà Mantecato as an appetiser / hors d’oeuvre with some pre-dinner drinks or as an entrèe. You can spread it on fresh crusty bread, on crackers, or even served with carrot sticks.

I’ve noticed quite a few different recipes around, but I must say that my mother’s recipe is tried and true. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the modifications I made to the preparation process making it easier and less time consuming.
I remember as a child my father stirring the cooked salted cod vigorously with a wooden spoon while my mother would drizzle the olive oil into the mix. It was this vigorous beating that would make the Baccalà light and fluffy.
Since I don’t have the time (and I’m sure you don’t either), or the muscle power, I decided to try mixing it in the food processor and I must say it worked a dream.
There are two different ways that you can purchase salted cod:
salted and dried, which needs to be beaten and soaked or simply salted (not dried).
We prefer the simply salted version. This is so much easier to prepare. You just need to soak it overnight or for 24 hours. You then boil it for about 40 minutes and then it’s ready to be made into a delicious paté. It’s super easy to prepare and once it’s cooked, it literally takes 5 minutes to whip up.

Baccalà is traditionally made with garlic, however if you don’t like fresh garlic or it doesn’t agree with you, just make it without. No problem.

Cod Paté known as Baccalà Mantecato in Italian is a creamy appetiser that is made, especially during the festive seasons, in Italy. It's Gluten & Dairy free, Paleo and Keto friendly Rinse the salted cod fillet under fresh running water to get all the salt off Place the cod into a large saucepan and cover with cold water Leave to soak overnight or for 24 hours (changing the water at least 3 times) When soaking time is finished, drain the cod, return to saucepan and cover once more with fresh water Place on stove and bring to the boil Uncover slightly, and allow to simmer and cook for about 40-45 minutes Drain and allow to cool slightly Be careful to avoid burning your fingers, check the fish and discard any bones. Keep the skin as this will be blended into the paté along with the fish as it provides a natural gelatin to the mixture Break up the cod into pieces, I use my fingers so I can feel if there are any fish bones, and place in the food processor together with the garlic Start to process, add the almond milk and slowly drizzle the extra virgin olive oil whilst its processing Keep processing on low speed until the cod is smooth and creamy There is no need to add salt, since the cod is already salted Place in a bowl, cover and refrigerate until ready to use Allow it to get back to room temperature before serving.COD PATÉ – BACCALÁ MANTECATO